Thursday, March 12, 2009

Deterring Petition Circulators from Hijacking our Presidential

Problem: Through Article 12, Section 1 of these bylaws, our state affiliates have mutually contracted to nominate the Presidential candidate selected by the delegates at a national convention. However, other than a vote of the LNC to disaffiliate, there is no mechanism for enforcement of this provision.

Solution: Provide a penalty for placing on the general election ballot anyone other than our nominee or an approved stand-in.

Benefits: Avoid the sorts of problems we had in one state in 2000 and two states in 2008.


1. Nominations of candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States may be made only at the Regular Convention immediately preceding a Presidential election. Any member who circulates a general election petition to place anyone on a Presidential or Vice-Presidential ballot, as a Party candidate, other than the Party's nominee or a stand-in approved by the National Committee shall thereby be expelled.

1 comment:

The Mudslinger said...

Ah, more kindergarten sandbox games.

The obvious way around this one is to have non-members circulate the petitions and the affiliate parties deny knowledge.

It's also worth noting that state Party memberships and national sustaining members are two different things entirely, so all this does is effectively deny a national sustaining membership, which costs the national Party money. In effect, the national Party would be fining itself.