Thursday, March 12, 2009

Platform Consideration

Problem: A relatively small number of delegates were able to make major changes to our platform at the 2006 convention.

Solution: Consider platform amendments only during presidential nominating conventions where more delegates are present.

Note: The Platform Committee can still meet, and if there's urgency to considering a proposal, the Rules can be suspended.


The standing order of business for a Regular Convention shall be as follows:

1. Call to order
2. Credentials Committee report
3. Adoption of agenda
4. Treasurer's report
5. Bylaws and Rules Committee report
6. Platform Committee report (at Presidential nominating conventions)
7. Nomination of Party candidates for President and Vice-President (in appropriate years)
8. Election of Party Officers and at-large members of the National Committee
9. Election of Judicial Committee
10. Resolutions
11. Other business

Proviso: This amendment shall take effect upon the final adjournment of the convention at which it is adopted.


The Mudslinger said...

Do you honestly think the Platform nitpickers will go for this?

Jon Roland said...

I propose an amendment to the By-laws:

A motion to adjourn a convention before the agenda has been completed is debatable.

This is to avoid the problem we had in a previous convention when a motion to adjourn was made and passed before many of the resolutions, for which there was an agenda item, could be introduced. It should not be possible to cut off a convention before its work is completed.